The Ericverse

A carrd dedicated to showcasing my original characters.
Click any of the pictures below to learn more about each character.



  • Pronunciation: Joe Bee Wan

  • Created: 2021

  • Birth Name: Jobert

  • Birth Planet: Dagobah

  • Birthyear: TBD

  • Gender: Male

  • Pronouns: He/Him

  • Sexuality: Bisexual

  • Species: Half-Whatever Yoda's Species Is, Half-Human

  • Height: 6 feet

  • Eye Color: Yellow

  • Hair Color: Brown

  • Likes: TBD

  • Dislikes: TBD

  • Lightsaber Color: Orange

Jobi-Wan w/ Janakin and Joba Jett
Jobi-Wan w/ Janakin and Joba Jett

About Jobi-Wan

Jobi-Wan is my Star Wars OC (he is supposed to be similar to me but also different in ways). He's very energetic, a big jokester, and an adventure-seeker. Being unusually tall for his species, he's an outcast among his peers and neighbors on Dagobah. However, this doesn't stop him from putting himself out there with a positive attitude everywhere he goes. Given an orange-colored lightsaber by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi when he was young, Jobi has grown up wanting to be just like the Jedi. However, he is far from becoming one, and instead spends most of his time pretending to be a Jedi more than anything. He is popular amongst newcomers and young kids who believe he is an actual Jedi, but the majority of his village knows he's just a wannabe.Being the one who had hope for Jobi originally, Obi-Wan has remained Jobi's biggest inspiration for everything he does, even leading Jobi to change from being called by his birth name of Jobert to Jobi-wan. He has not seen Obi-Wan since his young age, but has new found hope in finding him again after becoming friends with Janakin Jaywalker and Joba Jett.Friends with Janakin Jaywalker and Joba Jett.

Pictures of Jobi-Wan



  • Pronunciation: Mar-low

  • Created: March 2022

  • Birth Place: TBD

  • Birthday: TBD

  • Gender: Nonbinary

  • Pronouns: They/Them

  • Sexuality: Pansexual

  • Height: TBD

  • Eye Color: Light Brown

  • Hair Color: Yellow/Red

  • Likes: TBD

  • Dislikes: TBD

About Marlowe

Still need to figure this part out.
I really like their design a lot, so I really wanted to make them a character. Haven't really decided on anything else yet. Might make them a musician or something.

Pictures of Marlowe



  • Pronunciation: Moe-m

  • Created: ≈2007/2008

  • Birth Place: TBD

  • Birthday: October 22nd

  • Gender: Male

  • Pronouns: He/Him

  • Sexuality: Gay

  • Height: 2 feet, 4 inches

  • Eye Color: Green

  • Hair Color: Green

  • Likes: TBD

  • Dislikes: TBD

About Mome

Originally created in World of Warcraft when I first got my account when I was 10 years old. Being my first character, I eventually decided to pull him out of the game and make him an OC of mine. I don't have much lore or pictures of him at the moment, but eventually I'll start to build the world around him outside of WoW's universe.Right now, I know he's a Gnome and a Warlock. That's about it.

Pictures of Mome



  • Pronunciation: Ah-z

  • Created: June 2021

  • Birth Place: TBD

  • Birthday: TBD

  • Gender: Nonbinary

  • Pronouns: He/They

  • Sexuality: Pansexual

  • Height: 6 feet, 1 inch

  • Eye Color: Purple

  • Hair Color: Purple

  • Likes: TBD

  • Dislikes: TBD

About Oz

Still need to figure this part out.
Charismatic, magician, zombie person.

Pictures of Oz


O-dor Zerkin

  • Pronunciation: O-door Zer-kin

  • Created: January 2021

  • Birth Planet: Hoth

  • Birthday: TBD

  • Gender: Male

  • Pronouns: He/Him

  • Sexuality: TBD

  • Height: TBD

  • Eye Color: Dark Brown

  • Hair Color: White/Black

  • Likes: TBD

  • Dislikes: TBD

  • Lightsaber Color: White

About O-dor

Still need to figure this part out.
Most likely Jobi-wan's rival. As pathetic as Jobi-Wan at times, but chooses to follow his own pathway in the ways of the Force.

Pictures of O-dor


Willy Worm

  • Pronunciation: Will-e Wer-m

  • Created: March 2022

  • Birth Place: TBD

  • Birthday: TBD

  • Age: 44

  • Gender: Male

  • Pronouns: He/Him

  • Sexuality: Gay

  • Height: TBD

  • Eye Color: Pink

  • Hair Color: Green

  • Likes: Fishing

  • Dislikes: Not Fishing

About Willy

Still need to figure this part out.
My fishing group OC. He's very sexy, and most likely also a bastard.
Fishing and Camping buddies with Leon Shripe, Carlisle, and Sweet Baby Ray.

Pictures of Willy



  • Pronunciation: No-vah

  • Created: September 2023

  • Birth Place: TBD

  • Birthday: TBD

  • Age: TBD

  • Gender: TBD

  • Pronouns: TBD

  • Sexuality: TBD

  • Height: TBD

  • Eye Color: Brown

  • Hair Color: Red

  • Likes: TBD

  • Dislikes: TBD

About Nova

Still need to figure this part out.



  • Pronunciation: TBD

  • Created: June 2024

  • Birth Place: TBD

  • Birthday: TBD

  • Age: TBD

  • Gender: TBD

  • Pronouns: TBD

  • Sexuality: TBD

  • Height: TBD

  • Eye Color: Red

  • Hair Color: White

  • Likes: TBD

  • Dislikes: TBD

About ???

Still need to figure this part out.

Pictures of ???


Guppy the Clown

  • Pronunciation: Guh-pee

  • Created: October 2022

  • Birth Place: TBD

  • Birthday: TBD

  • Age: TBD

  • Gender: TBD

  • Pronouns: TBD

  • Sexuality: TBD

  • Height: TBD

  • Eye Color: Cyan

  • Hair Color: Cyan/Red

  • Likes: TBD

  • Dislikes: TBD

About Guppy

Still need to figure this part out.


This page is just the picrews I have thought about turning into characters potentially.
Will add more to this page as I do more picrews and what not.